I'm Ahmed Gaber and this is my piece of internet.
I'm a Computer software developer by all means, I work and have interest with every computer programming related stuff, I have inner love to Data Science that's why I had my MSc degree in data science and Artificial Intelligence. I also like creating things, fix broken toys and drawing .
As a professional, I work as web developer, I worked with LAMP stack for 6+ years, currently I'm fullstack javascript developer working with Node.js, MEAN stack (yes AngularJS is here) and Sails.js .
Also, I contribute projects on github, and sometimes I share my projects with public developers communities .

I've long list of interests, you can scrolldown if not in tersted
I usually contribute the open source community, my public projects are on github
5 Min logo
I worked on this project during the weekend as fullfillment of DoIt self challenge to create a product within the weekend, the project was inspired by this article about creating a quick logo, you can read the article I wrote about it here
github project siteslimrest
Restful API scaffold for PHP Slim microframework, this should help creating quick RESTful APIs, I create this to easily mock my APIs, after a while,it turned into core tool for my private projects and side projects
Fun project was developed over MEAN stack, idea was to send eKiss to some one you love xD, project now is offline
Yeoman generator for creating slimrest backended Angular application
Browser extension that replace the newtab empty page with page full of content that fit the user's mood ;)
this is still in progress, stay tuned for it ;)
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